Monday, 3 June 2013

Lloyd Irvin Sees The Internet as a Tool

In an age where people spend a majority of their time online, it is easy to see how one could use the internet as an important business tactic for your company. Lloyd Irvin is a former world champion jiu-jitsu martial artist, and even owns his own martial arts school.

When Lloyd Irvin founded his martial arts school, he quickly found out how important of a tool the internet can be for a business. Using the conventional methods of advertising for new student to join his marital arts school, Lloyd Irvin had a tough time and struggled to make money at first. Lloyd Irvin then recognized the need to change his approach, and turned to the power of the internet in order to reach more people in order to grow his school. Using a new method of direct advertising, Lloyd Irvin was able to put up online banners on websites that shared correlating interests with martial arts. When people stumbled upon these websites, they would see ads for Lloyd Irvin and his martial arts school, and would be prompted to click on them to find out more information. 

Through using the internet as a tool and being able to directly market towards people who were already interested in martial arts, Lloyd Irvin was able to build his martial arts schools roster and started to make money. 

What turned out to be a quick and easy idea for a new way of marketing opened up a whole new world for Lloyd Irvin. Lloyd Irvin was able to be one of the first people to use this direct marketing campaign, so when a visitor was on the internet seeing an ad for a marital arts school, 9/10 times it would be for his school, since not many of the other martial arts school owners were using this approach. Lloyd Irvin practically owes his martial arts school’s life to using the internet as a tool in order for him to grow his roster and be able to make the necessary money to run a successful business.

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