Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Having Mentors is Important to Lloyd Irvin

Having someone who is an expert in the things that you are passionate around you and in a role model position can completely transform your life. One saying says, “You are who you hang out with.” Lloyd Irvin is a martial arts expert and former Brazilian jiu-jitsu world champion. Lloyd Irvin also believes that success will come from surrounding yourself with people who share your aspirations or who are already successful in fields where you want to get results. For Lloyd Irvin, these fields are martial arts, and he is sharing his knowledge and love of martial art with his many students at his own martial arts academy. 

Having someone who knows more than you about a subject is crucial in the process of you learning more about that subject. Lloyd Irvin believes that mentors can help you push yourself way farther than we can normally push ourselves in order to become the best that we can be in these fields where we want to get results. Lloyd Irvin has the world champion mindset and the necessary skills in order to be an excellent mentor. Where he personally coaches and trains his students has produced a world champion kids team, a UFC champion, and several other world champions. This shows how much of an impact a great mentor like Lloyd Irvin can make. 

Surrounding yourself with people who are as passionate about a subject as you are can help you be held accountable when trying to get results, as well. Many times we let ourselves slip and get away with cheating things, but with a group of people supporting each other, you will be held accountable for these slip-ups and driven to actually achieve your goal. Lloyd Irvin knows that having a great mentor can also help your life outside of the subject you are passionate about. A positive role model can make a huge difference in the life of student who is trying to become an expert in a field of interest.

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